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Public Account: InvestChile ended 2023 with a portfolio of US$33 billion and more than 18,800 potential jobs

7 June, 2024
  • The Foreign Investment Promotion Agency has announced its results for the year, highlighting the establishment of 103 projects worth US$14.7 billion, 85% of which correspond to investment in regions outside of Chile’s capital city.


Last week InvestChile Director, Karla Flores, presented the institution’s annual public account, in which she discussed the agency’s operations and results during 2023.

She also referred to the challenges that the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency will face in 2024.

Flores highlighted various milestones in InvestChile’s operations:

· Contribution to new jobs in the country: The Foreign Investment Promotion agency has attracted a portfolio worth more than US$33 billion, associated with 18,800 new potential direct jobs.

· Support for the establishment of companies: 103 projects worth US$14.7 billion are already in operation or in the process of initiating operations, contribution 5,936 direct and permanent jobs to Chile’s economy.

· Assistance for regional development: 74% of direct and permanent jobs and 85% of the associated investment amounts are located outside of the Santiago Metropolitan Region.

· Contribution to key sectors: InvestChile’s portfolio was led by clean energy, mining, and IT infrastructure projects.

· Diversification of investment sources: The agency worked with projects from 43 countries.

To provide more information about InvestChile’s operations in 2023 and the challenges for 2024, the agency released a video of its public account:


InvestChile was created in 2016 based on the recommendations of the OECD, with the objective of attracting foreign investment to the country and supporting the development of foreign investment projects in strategic areas that make a positive contribution to the development of the country and its people.