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InvestChile’s Director participation at “Multistakeholder Dialogue on APEC Towards 2020”

14-05-2019 9:00 am Hotel Enjoy Viña del Mar
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Concept The 2019 Multistakeholder Dialogue on APEC Towards 2020 and Beyond will be held on 14 May 2019. It will be organized by APEC Chile 2019, with the support of the Center of International Studies of the Catholic University of Chile, and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC). It aims to highlight the vision that Latin America has of the Asia Pacific regional integration.


Background At their meeting in Lima in 2016, APEC Leaders commended Peru’s initiative to start a series of high level dialogues on APEC Towards 2020 and Beyond and instructed officials to continue this on a yearly basis until 2020. The first two MSD looked at the broad set of issues likely to confront APEC in considering a vision post-2020. The third MSD examined more deeply core elements of two key themes which have emerged fairly consistently from discussions to date on the post-2020 vision: addressing the unfinished business of the Bogor Goals; and addressing the future drivers of growth in the AsiaPacific region. This year’s MSD will put people-centered development at the core of the dialogue, fostering a discussion on inclusive and sustainable growth in a digital era.