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News Archive


October 2022

Minister of Economy’s assessment of European tour: «There is a lot of interest in investing in Chile»

06 October 2022

Together with the director of InvestChile, the minister participated in activities with representatives of more than 150 companies in Spain, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom to promote Chile as an investment destination.  Through more than 50 activities carried out during his investment promotion tour in Europe—which was organized by InvestChile and included visits to […]

September 2022

Chilean Government launches new plan to stimulate investment in Chile

13 September 2022

The strategy includes six areas of action to boost growth from September of this year. The goal is to increase investment by five percentage points by 2023.   Chile’s government presented this Monday the “Let’s Invest in Chile” plan, a package of measures that aims to increase investment by five percentage points next year. The […]

Cumulative FDI has already reached 90% of the total for the whole of 2021

08 September 2022

Chile’s Central Bank reported that the flow of foreign direct investment received between January and July of this year reached US$13.661 billion. The figure is the third highest for this period between 2003 and 2022.  Chile’s Banco Central reported that the flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) received between January and July of this year […]

August 2022

FDI exceeds US$10 billion in the first half

08 August 2022

Chilean Economy, Development and Tourism Minister Nicolás Grau emphasized that the figure: “reveals that foreign companies continue to trust Chile for the development of their projects in the region.”   Chile’s Central Bank reported this morning that Chile received US$10.6 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI) between January and June this year. This figure is […]

July 2022

InvestChile portfolio closes the first half-year with a 22% increase in the number of projects and 49% in potential jobs

25 July 2022

“This is occurring in a context where the global economic situation has made it extremely challenging to attract capital,” said InvestChile Director Karla Flores. InvestChile, Chile’s Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, closed the first half of 2022 with a total of 453 projects in its portfolio, which meant a 22% increase over the 372 initiatives registered […]

InvestChile and Tourism Undersecretariat sign an agreement to promote foreign investment in the sector

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13 July 2022

Both organizations signed a transfer agreement for 18 million Chilean pesos, which will, among other things, help promote business opportunities in high-potential markets in the tourism sector.  In an effort to join forces between agencies, Tourism Undersecretary Verónica Kunze and InvestChile Director Karla Flores signed a transfer agreement that will help promote foreign investment in […]

Foreign Investment totals US$9.6 billion and is 60% above the historic average for January-May

07 July 2022

Economy, Development and Tourism Minister Nicolás Grau emphasized that the amount “shows that foreign investment has not stopped in Chile” and welcomed investors’ confidence in the country’s medium- and long-term development.    Chile’s Central Bank reported this morning that Chile received US$9.6 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI) between January and May this year. The cumulative […]

June 2022

Minister of Economy and InvestChile Director meet with chamber of commerce representatives from 17 countries

03 June 2022

At the meeting, the minister highlighted the importance of attracting sustainable foreign investment, which creates high-quality jobs and fosters the activity of SME suppliers.    Chile’s Minister of Economy, Development, and Tourism, Nicolás Grau, together with Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (InvestChile) Director, Karla Flores, led a meeting with 40 representatives of 17 binational chambers of commerce […]

Public Accountability 2021: InvestChile reveals its three focal areas for this year

02 June 2022

InvestChile director Karla Flores explained that the agency will focus on promoting FDI as a tool for development, playing an effective role in resolving the needs of Chileans and transforming Chile into a hub of investment opportunities. InvestChile, Chile’s Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, has released its Public Accountability report for 2021, the first under the […]

March 2022

President appoints new director of InvestChile

31 March 2022

Karla Flores is an economist and holds a master’s degree in Applied Macroeconomics from the Universidad Católica de Chile. She is the first woman to hold the position as InvestChile’s director since its foundation in 2016. The President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, has appointed economist Karla Flores Mardones as the new director of InvestChile, the […]