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News Archive


March 2019

Energy Ministry and InvestChile launch roadshow to promote portfolio of transmission projects

18 March 2019

The portfolio includes projects for the construction and operation of new infrastructure and the expansion of existing infrastructure; it comprises a total of 56 projects with a reference value of US$409 million. This morning, Energy Minister Susana Jiménez launched an international roadshow designed to attract new investors to Chile in this year’s tenders for projects […]

OECD to analyze impact and contribution of foreign investment in Chile

18 March 2019

InvestChile will be the second agency in the world to be evaluated by the OECD, which will analyze the impact of investment attraction, the creation of high-quality jobs and other economic benefits. InvestChile, the Chilean government’s Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, announced this morning that it will undergo specialized evaluation by the OECD and the Inter-American […]

PDAC 2019: Canadian investors highlight ease of doing business in Chile

07 March 2019

The director of InvestChile, Cristián Rodríguez, and Mining Minister Baldo Prokurica met with over ten, mainly Canadian, mining companies. The world’s largest mining exploration fair, organized by the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC), concluded yesterday. At the fair, Chile was represented by the director of InvestChile, Cristián Rodríguez, and Mining Minister Baldo Prokurica. Rodríguez talked […]

Chile to promote lithium investment projects for the first time at Canada mining fair

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01 March 2019

Mining Minister Baldo Prokurica, accompanied by the Undersecretary for Foreign Relations, Carolina Valdivia, and the Director of InvestChile, Cristián Rodríguez, announced details of Chile’s participation in the PDAC Convention 2019, which will take place in Toronto on March 3-6. Four lithium projects form part of the portfolio of projects that Chile will be promoting at […]

February 2019

Inversión Extranjera en Chile registra alza de un 28% en 2018 y destaca reinversión de utilidades

07 February 2019

Según cifras del Banco Central, US$8.224 millones ingresaron al país en el período. El director de InvestChile resaltó la recuperación de la inversión extranjera directa en el país tras registrarse la primera alza en tres años. Un total de US$8.224 millones es el balance de la inversión extranjera directa ingresada a Chile en 2018, según […]

January 2019

International Investment Forum Chile 2019 in pictures

24 January 2019

Day 1 -Reception at La Moneda   Day 2 -Inaugural conference, Sector-specific panels & Networking cocktail   Day 3 – Matchmaking

InvestChile International Investment Forum concludes with more than 200 meetings for overseas companies

18 January 2019

The event, which took place over three days in Chile, was attended by representatives of some 100 companies from 21 countries, with projects worth more than US$7,200 million. Companies from the United States, Canada, China, Brazil, the Arab Emirates, Korea and another 15 economies participated in the Fifth International Investment Forum Chile 2019, organized by […]

InvestChile Forum begins with over US$7,200 million in foreign investment projects

16 January 2019

The event was inaugurated by President Sebastián Piñera, who assured that “foreign investment is welcome in Chile.” The Fifth International Investment Forum, organized by InvestChile, the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, was inaugurated this morning by the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera. Speaking to an audience of more than 300 people, most of them representing […]

Companies from 21 countries with over US$7,200 million in projects to participate in InvestChile forum

14 January 2019

The investment promotion agency will bring together international companies in Santiago for three days of activities, including over 200 meetings. The fifth International Investment Forum, organized by InvestChile, the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, will take place in Santiago between January 15 and 17. It is the country’s most important event for the promotion of foreign […]

Foreign Investment: Project portfolio grows 82% in 2018

08 January 2019

The inflows reached US$14.1 billion for 277 projects, which will generate 15,408 jobs. Among all sectors, mining stood out with US$4.8 billion of the total investment, which in turn explains Canada’s leadership in the analysis by country. The increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) continues strong, as reflected by the US$14.1 billion in InvestChile’s project […]