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Economic Forum: On the Way to Industry 4.0

25-10-2018 8:00 am Hotel W, Isidora Goyenechea 3000, Las Condes. Santiago.
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Industry 4.0 is changing businesses, economic systems, jobs and even societies. Access to information in real time as a result of connection in a network of all the participants in a value creation process opens the way to dynamic, self-organized multi-company networks.

Germany’s experience shows that sustainable implementation of Industry 4.0 calls for collaborative networks such as alliances between companies, universities, research centers and the state as well as alliances between traditional companies and start-ups that offer innovative and creative solutions.

The cradle of Industry 4.0 technologies and solutions in Germany is the state of Baden-Württemberg, a guest at this VIX Chile-Germany Economic Forum. Leading experts and companies from the state will talk about successful alliances and innovative solutions and technologies as well as specific applicable R&D projects.

To get in touch with one of our executives in the context of this important event, see the contact details below.


Salvatore Di Giovanni

Investment Promotion Executive