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Mission of technology companies from Baltic States to visit Chile

09-04-2018 8:30 am NH Collection Plaza
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A delegation of technology companies from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will visit Chile between April 8 and 10 in order to learn about the business opportunities the country offers. The visit is organized by the Foreign Ministries of the three Baltic countries, with the support of the EU-LAC Foundation and ELANBiz.

The visit will include a seminar on April 9 in the NH Collection Santiago Hotel, starting at 8:30. European and Chilean authorities as well as members of the delegation will speak at the seminar during which InvestChile investment promotion executive Salvatore Di Giovanni will give a presentation about investment opportunities in Chile for technology companies.

On April 10, activities at the hotel will continue at 9:00 with presentations and a business roundtable at which InvestChile will moderate a conversation with representatives of Start-Up Chile, CORFO and ProChile.

During their visit, the delegation will hold a series of meetings with local technology companies and carry out field visits before going on to Costa Rica.


Salvatore Di Giovanni

Investment Promotion Executive - Global Services
(56-2) 2663 9200